Articles about betting

Overround – a market quality identifier

Overround – a market quality identifier

Do you like betting on value? Have you ever heard the terms “overround” or “key”? This is an important attribute for value betting which reflects the efficiency and quality of the market for a sports event. Let it inspire you and expand your frontiers in the world of value betting.
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How to bet - value betting 2

How to bet - value betting 2

In the previous article we discussed what odds are, overround, what value betting is, and how to determine whether the odds are value odds. Today we will explain more and learn how to calculate value, the optimal betting amount and whether it is more beneficial to place combi or single bets.
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How to bet - value betting 1

How to bet - value betting 1

Gamblers claim there are many ways to keep a positive balance. In the long term, however, only one way can work. Have you ever heard of value betting? Read our article. We will teach you what you need to know.
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