Articles on casino games and tips on how to play

How to bet - value betting 2

How to bet - value betting 2

In the previous article we discussed what odds are, overround, what value betting is, and how to determine whether the odds are value odds. Today we will explain more and learn how to calculate value, the optimal betting amount and whether it is more beneficial to place combi or single bets.
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How to bet - value betting 1

How to bet - value betting 1

Gamblers claim there are many ways to keep a positive balance. In the long term, however, only one way can work. Have you ever heard of value betting? Read our article. We will teach you what you need to know.
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Game in a mobile casino

Game in a mobile casino

Modern technologies are developing at a rapid speed, allowing you to play your favorite game at any time from the comfort of your home. You can win your first million for example on your uncle's 60th birthday celebration - using your mobile phone.
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LIVE casino games

LIVE casino games

Modern technologies have combined live gaming with the unique feel and excitement of gaming in traditional bricks and mortar casinos. Just sit back in your living room and try this unique experience of playing online over the Internet.
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Online multiplayer slot machines

Online multiplayer slot machines

Have you heard about team multiplayer slot machines? They combine online playing and socializing between players. It is much more fun to try to win together with your friends.
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Online casino - security

Online casino - security

The question of how your personal information, which you provide during registration, is secured arises in terms of operating online casinos. This also applies to the game itself, because you enter your credit card or account number every time you make a deposit.
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Eurojackpot - a record win for a Finnish player

Eurojackpot - a record win for a Finnish player

Eurojackpot is a lottery currently operating in 17 European countries and preparing for launch in others. A huge jackpot attracts large number of Europeans.
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Gambling addiction test

Gambling addiction test

Playing gambling games can be entertaining but can also have a negative impact on some. It's entirely up to you whether playing at a casino sucks you in or if it is merely just a hobby. Would you like to try playing casino games as a new form of entertainment? Or are you looking to resolve your financial situation?
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Parlay roulette system

Parlay roulette system

The Parlay system is one of the newest roulette systems out there, only discovered recently. The system was established accidentally, when a roulette player in a Las Vegas casino became so fascinated with the croupier's beauty that he accidentally left his chips on the same colour for several spins.
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Poker hand combinations

Poker hand combinations

The goal of poker is to achieve a higher valued card combination than your opponents. This combination consists of five cards. Two "hole" cards are yours to see only, and any three of the five cards which the dealer deals one after another. Knowing all possible combinations, their rank and the probability of obtaining them is the foundation to your success in playing.
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